Alternative short distance rangefinder: measures light transit time, not reflection angle

Here’s a device available on a pair of Sparkfun boards that Rod pointed us and Triangle Amateur Robotics to:

Update from Rod: A sensor + ARM M4 eval board for $20 from the chip maker:{13079d06258ef9010cea88dee32f3cdfc6f216a54651010f7303ce6140ee927c}252b49cDybCa83Lgq8kEXU{13079d06258ef9010cea88dee32f3cdfc6f216a54651010f7303ce6140ee927c}3d

Teaching Microcontroller Programming to Middle Schoolers Inexpensively

February 9th TriEmbed Meeting at NCSU

 This month’s meeting will have a highly focused theme: Tools and techniques for teaching middle school age children without spending a wad on hardware. There will be two speakers:
  • Alan Smith will bring examples of the boards related to his  Wizarding 101 and 102 classes for middle schoolers and will focus on what he’s  learned teaching introduction to microcontrollers from these classes as well as a full course.
  • Jon Wolfe of Anibit will talk about a graphical programmer he’s been developing.

More details, directions, etc on the “Meetings at NCSU” page.