Project Links: Home, Sensor, Design, Cost, Software, Web
I have always enjoyed science, engineering and computers. I am not a professional engineer and I am very open to input and suggestions as I see this primarily as a learning opportunity for me. Please take a look at this documentation and feel free to let me know how I might improve this project.
As someone who likes to spend time outdoors, I have sometimes wondered whether the air quality – at the time and place I am – is suitable for strenuous activity. In this regard, I am lucky as some people are sensitive to certain pollutants and need to worry about their exposure for even routine activities. I saw in this an opportunity to pursue some “citizen science” and continue to learn about how to build sensors and embrace the internet of things. I am documenting this project with two goals in mind: 1) to engage others to critique my approach and suggest improvements and 2) to provide all the information needed to build and extend this project.
Project Goals:
- Build a sensor which can give consistent (accurate) results. Precision will be a stretch goal as it will require calibration tools I may not be able to get access to.
- Sense a range of different gasses based on the module selected and compute an “Air Quality Index” for each
- Use a standard interface – i2c – so it can be used with different systems. My first application will be with the SeeedStudio LinkIt ONE
- Support portable operation on battery power using GPRS for data reporting.
- Report all data to an Internet of Things Data streaming site for reporting.
Phase VI – Assembly / Real World Testing – coming soon