I created a page about my recent presentation with a link to the slides here. Video will be uploaded when it is ready. There is some explanation about the dropped characters we saw in demoB.
—> Paul MacDougal
I created a page about my recent presentation with a link to the slides here. Video will be uploaded when it is ready. There is some explanation about the dropped characters we saw in demoB.
—> Paul MacDougal
Paul MacDougal will talk about arranging communication between these two popular single board computers, and Alex Davis will have a Raspbery Pi with Retropie and MAME to show. This will be followed by the usual show and tell and chat session. Bring your projects, ideas and questions.
We’ll be meeting in EBI room 1007, next door to the one for previous months (and the same as the one TAR is meeting in). This room will be stable through April.
Details and maps here.
Also, we took advantage of TI’s special offer of MSP432 Launchpads. They’ll be available at the meeting for $5. (They will also be at the Splatspace open meeting tomorrow evening.)
Linux Gizmos has assembled this list of 64 “open-spec, hacker friendly” single board computers.