All posts by TriEmbed

December 12th Meeting: Better than Blinky

blinkinglightsfromgoogleimagesPaul MacDougal will talk about alternatives to the classic Arduino beginning program and shares this summary:
“Blink is a great first example for Arduino programming, but a really bad example of embedded programming. With 99.9{13079d06258ef9010cea88dee32f3cdfc6f216a54651010f7303ce6140ee927c} of its time spent in delay(), nothing else can happen. This talk will show how to rewrite blink in several different ways to allow it to play nicely with other functions.”

Join Paul and others at NCSU for the regular meeting. More details on the “at NCSU” meeting page.

New in the Meeting Archive

Traffic Intersection Lights

Traffic Intersection Lights

August’s meeting included a project retrospective and demo of Brian Grawburg’s Raspberry Pi/Python driven traffic light simulation. This is part of a set of teaching tools Brian has developed for teaching Python to area youths at the Imagination Station in Wilson, NC Brian’s project is described in his article in the December, 2014 MagPi magazine (page 4) as well as on his project page.

For a handy set of links to this and other TriEmbed presentations visit the meeting archive page.

June 13th Meeting: Open Mike

The monthly meeting of the Triangle Embedded Interest Group will be this Monday starting at 7pm in room 2201 of NCSU Engineering Building Three, 911 Oval Drive, Raleigh. This will be the bldg and room through August. This is straight across the green from building 1 (down the hill from building 2).

This month will be completely “open mike”. Bring your projects, short show and tells, questions and project challenges to share. If you have something suitable for a video recording on YouTube please let us know ahead of time. Ditto if you would like to present at a future meeting.

Maps and other details.

Archive of past meetings.